Initial Observation Time.

After a couple afternoons out on the town watching peoples frustrations with parking meters and watching the super dynamic form that is the parking meter. we pooled our pictures together to figure out what the hell we were looking at. 20130207-160116

We had many pictures on the wall. Most of them looked the same. How many different pictures can you take of parking meters?


Professor Campbell gave us some ways to categorize observations we made.


It reads; PURPLE:locations GREEN:time ORANGE:artifacts RED:actor BLUE:action

These categories were used as a way to code our observations and start to split up the visual information from each picture and turn them into data points that are relevant to the project. A normal browsing of these pictures allows you to see only the obvious, but when you specify what you are looking for you can pick out information that will help you form a clearer idea of the problem and find possible solutions.

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